miR-122 An Exploratory Biomarker of Liver Injury: An Industry Perspective on the State of the Science and Experiences Pre-Clinically and Clinically
The Critical Path Institute’s Predictive Safety Testing Consortium (PSTC) hosted a webinar focused on providing an industry perspective on the state of the science and preclinical and clinical experiences with mi-R122. This webinar was hosted by PSTC’s Hepatoxicity Working Group.
The first presentation discussed the current state of miR-122 as a safety biomarker of liver injury and highlighted recent work on miR-122 in exosomes during early hepatic injury. The following presentations provided a pharmaceutical industry perspective on the utility of miR-122 in preclinical and clinical studies. Rodent data generated by AbbVie demonstrated the utility of miR-122 in preclinical studies. Additionally, speakers from Pfizer and Genentech discussed human data generated in healthy volunteers and patient populations, the difficulties facing use of miR-122 in the clinic, and how miR signatures may add value to the evaluation of liver injury and liver disease.
Organizers: Kathila Rajapaksa, Genentech; Rachel Church, UNC; Tatiana Sharapova, AbbVie; Shelli Schomaker, Pfizer; William Proctor, Genentech; and Jennifer Burkey, Critical Path Institute
The webinar was held on May 2, 2017. The webinar is available here to the public.
Webinar Recording